Saturday, March 30, 2013

Understanding Pedagogy & Learning Theories (CST 413 )


According to  Borich and Tombari’s  (1997, as cited in  Yunus , Razali & Jantan ,(2011) ,constructivism is an approach where the learners try and make sense of what is being learned by making connections or relationships among the knowledge and ideas that are being taught. This approach   involves and encourages learner to experience and participate actively in the learning process through social interactions. By doing this, the new   skills and concepts are combined or integrated into the existing conceptions  to make meaning   after which the learner applies it in a new context.

Hence, teachers should encourage students to participate actively in the activities, discover things for themselves to enhance their learning.

Ø  Yunus,K.R.M., Razali,M & Jantan,R.(2011).HBEF2013: Educational Psychology.Open University Malaysia:Pearson

Understanding Pedagogy & Learning Theories (CST 413 )


My perspectives on teaching

Each   teacher is a   physically, mentally, socially and emotionally different individual  whose beliefs, attitudes and values may vary indifferently. So   each teacher will have his or her strong areas   as well as the weak areas. To strengthen on the latter, responsibility falls on the teachers to work on his or her   weaker areas.

The TPI scores received after the completion of the inventory, had itself focused on five important perspectives namely; Transmission, Apprenticeship, Developmental, Nurturing & Social Reform. According to the   TPI scores and my beliefs, apprenticeship was found to be  my strongest areas. The scores on a general basis, falls into the range between   moderate and high, with the individual   perspectives held at a moderate level. In addition to this, no marked differences were to be noticed in between the perspective bars (not much difference in between). Having one dominant and one recessive perspective, I agree that there is always room for improvement.

Beliefs become intentions which in turn   become actions. These inter- related  sub scores showed  just a small  difference of one  in the TPI  graph, displaying  the consistency .The highest intention , belief and action sub-scores occurred in the  most dominant perspective indicating that my strongest area  was “Apprenticeship”.
From the philosophical point of view, subject knowledge is an essential component as teachers need to be ready and thorough with the content before entering the class. On the other hand it’s not possible for every teacher to be an expertise since even teachers learn a lot from their own teaching too.

Having worked with students, ranging from grades 1-7 in teaching English Language for the past   years, I’ve always made sure that I know all my students really well including their social backgrounds, mental capability, social and emotional development really well. It would assist us to teach them well, which would really add to our job satisfaction once we achieve it. I believe that teachers have to   be really skilled professionals to handle a class of live students who are from different social backgrounds. They should be ready to guide the students along the right path and prepare students to live independently in this globalized world.

In conclusion, I would say that it’s  difficult  to decide on  a person’s perspective  on a broad field  like  teaching  just through  a few questions.(use of the inventory )

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Understanding Pedagogy & Learning Theories (CST 413 )


The Social Cognitive Learning Theory   indicates that learning occurs   through observation, modeling and motivations (positive reinforcements) in a social context. The process involves the   learner   observing    rewarding behaviors of models  and imitating or copying them in order to attain the rewards. According to the theorists, N.E. Miller & Albert Bandura; the possibility for imitation is more with children of their own age   and those with whom they identify. The responses from the learners vary   depending on their personality.

Features of a model
*        Competency
*        Prestige/ power
*        Engagement in relevant , gender appropriate behaviors
*        Relevancy to the situation

Types of Models
*        Direct (simply copying model’s behavior)
*        Symbolic (Imitating behaviors  displayed by characters in books )
*        Synthesized (developing  behaviors  by combining  parts of observed acts )

The steps involved   in social cognitive learning theory
1. Attention: To learn something   it is important to give special   attention.
2. Retention: Learner should be able   to remember what he has given attention to.
3. Reproduction : Transferring the descriptions /images into behavior.
4. Motivation: The learner can only   imitate the model only if he or she is motivated.

Albert Bandura’s Theory

Social cognitive theory defines learning as an internal mental process that may or
 may not be reflected in immediate behavioral change (Bandura, 1986).

  •     Learning is   done through   behavior observations.
  •     The behavior of an individual   is very much  linked with the environment(social interactions )
  •           The   interaction of the environment, behavior and the person’s psychological process   creates the learner’s personality.
  •     Effective modeling by the teachers   & the media sources teach   the learners to deal with   different situations that arise. 
  •          Learning and   behavior are   indirectly affected by punishments and reinforcements.


*      Educational Portal ( 2003  )Social Cognitive Learning Theory: Definition and examples. Retrieved from

*      Chegg (2003) Definition of Social Cognitive Theory .Retrieved from

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Understanding Pedagogy & Learning Theories (CST 413 )


Cognitive learning  theory states that learning occurs when the information  in the environment  is changed  to knowledge ( in the  mind ). According to the cognitive theorists, learning   is a thinking  process which involves knowledge undergoing through lot of unobservable changes. The learner  interacts with the environment  with the help of the senses  and  changes the  existing knowledge  within him or her  to accommodate the new knowledge.

In order for the   learner to learn anything new the mind needs to be in disequilibrium. This happens when the learner comes across new knowledge. While in this state he uses his mental skills to think of a way to accommodate the new   knowledge. If able to accommodate information   then goes to the long term memory resulting in real learning. Or else   moves to the short term memory or working memory where the knowledge will remain no more than 15-20 seconds and will disappear unless rehearsed. Thus it is really important that we try out   different ways of teaching so that what students learn remains in their minds forever.