Saturday, March 16, 2013

Understanding Pedagogy & Learning Theories (CST 413 )


Cognitive learning  theory states that learning occurs when the information  in the environment  is changed  to knowledge ( in the  mind ). According to the cognitive theorists, learning   is a thinking  process which involves knowledge undergoing through lot of unobservable changes. The learner  interacts with the environment  with the help of the senses  and  changes the  existing knowledge  within him or her  to accommodate the new knowledge.

In order for the   learner to learn anything new the mind needs to be in disequilibrium. This happens when the learner comes across new knowledge. While in this state he uses his mental skills to think of a way to accommodate the new   knowledge. If able to accommodate information   then goes to the long term memory resulting in real learning. Or else   moves to the short term memory or working memory where the knowledge will remain no more than 15-20 seconds and will disappear unless rehearsed. Thus it is really important that we try out   different ways of teaching so that what students learn remains in their minds forever.